safety of machinery


We support companies in the field of machinery and process certification.
meet us

about us

How can we help you

We provide professional support for companies in safety of machinery. Our services in this area are comprehensive and performed in a professional and independent manner. Safety of machinery is not our additional service. It is our main activity so we can provide highest level of professional support.

our services

what we do

TS CERT provides comprehensive services in the field of machinery and process safety.

Safety risk assessment

We carry out safety assessment of machines and devices. Risk assessment and risk evaluation is performed in accordance with the requirements of standards harmonized with Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.

Machine verification audits

After modernization, we check whether the recommendations have been implemented correctly. Thanks to the verification audit you can be sure that the machine meets all safety standards.

Factory Acceptance Test - FAT

Many new machines and devices do not meet CE standards. TS CERT helps you to check safety of machines before putting machines into production. We do our services all over the word.

analysis of control systems

In modern machines, safety depends on the correct design and construction of the control system. We support the correct design of control systems and assess existing systems. An inseparable element is the evaluation of the safety controller program.

Safety trainings and workshops

We are always happy to share our knowledge. Join our safety training.

stop time measurements

Proper distancing protective measures is one of the fundamental safety issues. We measure stopping time and interpret the results obtained.

analysis of accompanying documentation

An essential element of any machine is the appropriate documentation. We verify the completeness and content of: instructions, declarations and markings.

we support many companies and institutions

who we help

machine users (factories)

The main recipient of our machinery safety services are production plants. We assess the safety of existing machines, support import and help with acceptance and preparation for modernization.

machine manufacturers

We support machine manufacturers in preparing the correct concept of ensuring safety at the stage of design assumptions. We prepare design guidelines, prepare risk assessment and evaluation, and carry out appropriate measurements.

Automation systems integrators

We carry out machine safety audits before modernization and prepare clear recommendations. During the preparation of the project, we consult the adopted solutions on an ongoing basis. After modernization, we perform functional tests and measurements.

manufacturers of safety components

Even the best safety systems will not help if they are not used correctly. We help manufacturers in the correct selection of components and their proper application.

robot manufacturers

More and more factories use robotic systems in their factories. We support robot manufacturers in the correct construction of robotic cells.

Who else?
We help everyone who needs support in the field of machine safety. Write to us and find out how we can help you.
project example

Machine safety step by step

Everyone who faces the purchase of a new machine or production line knows how many traps await an investor. The right approach to safety reduces the number of potential problems. We offer full support in investment projects.

Step 1 - risk analysis at the project stage:
  • we organize a project meeting,
  • we collect information about the new machine,
  • we complete design documentation (overview drawings, 3D drawings, etc.),
  • we carry out risk analysis,
  • we prepare a general concept for machine safety.
Step 2 - Design recommendations:
  • we present the general safety concept,
  • we are discussing possible solutions (opportunities, threats and costs),
  • based on the discussion and risk analysis, we prepare a document containing detailed recommendations for the project of a safe machine.
Step 3 - consultations during the project:
  • during the project, numerous questions arise regarding specific solutions and safety issues - we are in constant contact with the factory and contractors,
  • we participate in project meetings and regularly consult technical and legal issues related to safety.
Step 4 - partial approval:
  • we analyze control systems based on the technical documentation provided (electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic diagrams), after the approval of the design, the contractor can proceed to the prefabrication of electrical cabinets,
  • we visit the contractor during the project and verify that the project assumptions have been correctly implemented, we report the status.
Step 5 - support in Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)
  • we participate in a FAT visit,
  • we perform functional tests,
  • we make the necessary measurements,
  • we present the most important problems and how to solve hem,
  • we prepare a safety report.
Step 6 - risk evaluation after installing the machines:
  • we perform a safety audit after installing the machine,
  • we check whether all incompatibilities have been correctly eliminated,
  • we prepare a report on the work carried out.
Step 7 - assessment of technical documentation:
  • we check the completeness of the accompanying documentation provided,
  • we evaluate the content of the manual,
  • we analyze the draft declaration of conformity,
  • we verify the nameplate and marking.
Step 8 - maintaining safety:
  • we perform functional tests,
  • we make the necessary measurements in accordance with the requirements of harmonized standards,
  • we document the state of safety, test and measurement results,
  • we update the risk analysis in the event of changes and modernizations.



We have experience in many industries. Thanks to this, we can offer unusual solutions for standard problems.

How do we work

why is it worth working with us

There are many reasons to choose TS CERT, here are some of them:

We only deal with safety of machinery

Machine and process safety is our main activity, not a secondary one. Thanks to this, you can always count on professional support.

we are accurate

Audit and design work requires interdisciplinary knowledge in the field of mechanics, automation and reliability of control systems. Knowledge alone, although necessary, is not enough. We carry out our work carefully and scrupulously to give our customers the highest quality product.

safety first

In our work, we always look for solutions that increase the level of safety. We also take into account the costs of the proposed solutions, which is why professional risk assessment also becomes a tool to reduce the costs of building a machine.

we are looking for production-friendly solutions

Although safety is our priority, we do not forget about productivity. We are always looking for solutions that will allow us to obtain an appropriate level of safety and ensure continuity of production.

we have the necessary equipment and we know how to use it

Knowledge and experience are not enough to ensure a high level of service. High-class measuring equipment is necessary for the correct assessment of the state of safety. We have such equipment and we know how to use it properly.

We are open for cooperation

We work with production plants, machine manufacturers, automation system integrators and anyone who needs support in the field of safety. See who we target our services for.

We constantly improve our qualifications

We have been training others for years, but we also do not forget about our own education. We use external experts and learn from each other. Our competences are confirmed with appropriate personal certificates. Meet our team.

We operate independently

We do not build machines or sell automation components. Our mission is to provide our clients independent expertise on the safety of their machines and processes.

Who can support you

our team

Safety of Machinery
Członek Zarządu | Co-founder

Wojciech bernadkiewicz

CMSE® - Certified Machinery Safety Expert - TÜV NORD
Safety of Machinery
Członek Zarządu | Co-founder

Piotr brajer

CMSE® - Certified Machinery Safety Expert - TÜV NORD
Safety of Machinery
machinery safety specialist

Wojciech Giełdziński

CMSE® - Certified Machinery Safety Expert - TÜV NORD
Safety of Machinery
machinery safety specialist

Marta Płotka

CMSE® - Certified Machinery Safety Expert - TÜV NORD
+48 518 760 088

contact details

Contact us

Contact details

TS CERT sp. z o.o.
ul. Jana Heweliusza 11 lok. 811
80-890 Gdańsk
NIP: 5833396734, REGON: 386072233, KRS: 0000841708

Engineering office:
TS CERT sp. z o.o.
ul. Starogardzka 42 lok. 24
83-010 STRASZYN k/Gdańska


Please visit our LinkedIn account.
